Monday, April 26, 2010

Family: Part Three

Oh my, it's been a while. There are more than three people in our family, I promise. We have just been a leeetle bit busy with an amazing little baby who now has a couple of sharp little teeth.

Continuing with our Family series, we're gonna head back over to the Burnett side of the family tree. Many of you may not know this, but Caedmon isn't the only adorable little person on the Burnett side of the family. She has a cousin, Malachi, (flip the channel to Comedy Central in about 15 years and I'm sure you'll see him) that is just about the coolest little man I know. He has a couple of cool parents, too (turns out that parents are an essential part of having babies): my brother, Drew, and his wife Amy. Amy is an elementary school teacher and Drew is a manager at Chick-Fil-A. Unfortunately Caedmon doesn't get to see them as much as she would like, but that's just the way it goes sometimes. So without further ado, more family for you.

Amy and Caedmon at a very familiar meeting place: Grandmom's house.

Malachi is definitely, absolutely, positively a Burnett.

Malachi loves giving Caedmon kisses.

Amy and a 5 day old Caedmon.

Drew and Malachi came to visit Caedmon. Malachi didn't understand why she wouldn't give him a high five...

Caedmon and Drew. That's Drew on the right.

One thing they can both agree on: Elmo.

Caedmon loves her Aunt Amy.