Friday, June 26, 2009

she has the hiccups!

so, nothing really elaborate about this post, but I felt Caedmon's first case of the hiccups tonight.
I was a little worried at first about what was going on, so of course I googled it, and I am pretty sure from what i found, hiccups were the diagnosis! It didn't hurt at all, just felt a constant rhythmic pattern over and over again in the same spot... it was so weird feeling, but once i learned that it was just the hiccups, I enjoyed feeling it, and even laughed out loud, and called Russ at work to tell him what was happening! So there it is, her first case of the hiccups is now documented... in a blog post.


The Jones Family said...

How cute! I remember when Andy had hiccups in my belly. It'll be neat for you to see Caedmon as a newborn having hiccups. I remember thinking so that's what you looked like in my belly :)

Candi (and Emma, too) said...

I almost went to the hospital when I felt Emma's first case of the hiccups! But I did the same - Googled it and assumed that's what I was feeling. Isn't it great, though? Those tiny little hiccups!