Thursday, October 8, 2009

a fun game, & random pictures that make me smile...

but let's see how well you do.
(it is harder than you think it is... maybe.)

click on this long string of pictures to make it bigger.
then see if you can tell which baby is Caedmon, and which one is her cousin, Malachi.
leave all your guesses for each numbered picture (1-10) in the comment section.
and then we will see how many people can actually get them all right...
i will post the answers in a few days, so don't forget to leave a comment with your guesses and then come back and see if they were right!

And for your further enjoyment:
I was looking through my iPhoto today and found tons of random pictures that just made me smile... and I decided to share them with you.

This first one is what i refer to as "the ragu cheese explosion." Apparently someone (either me, my husband, or some stranger in the grocery store, no one can recall the actual culprit here) had already opened this jar, used a little bit of sauce, and put it back on the shelf without tightening the lid. so when i went to shake it up a little... well you can see what happened... needless to say my shirt was ruined, and it was brand new. why was i cooking in a brand new shirt, who knows. it wouldn't fit me now anyways... i still have some of those post pregnancy pounds to lose.

This next one is a picture that i took last year with my regular ol' sony cybershot (the lovely girl in the picture is an amazing photographer herself) and it just makes me smile cause i like it. i wish i would have had my new camera while i was taking this!

And this one is self explanatory, i mean why wouldn't you smile when you look at this picture. This was taken 2 sundays ago when caedmon was 6 weeks old. we were out at berry watching russ play flag football, apparently she was having fun, and lookin' pretty dang cute at the same time.

And this last one here is the pumpkin i carved last year, and i was so proud of it!
I carved "Trick" on the backside of the pumpkin, but i had to do it backwards so that it would reflect on the wall. pretty neat huh?
It made me smile because I know that we will be carving pumpkins again so soon!
I have to come up with an even better design this year!
Any suggestions?

and, i think i am going to bed now...
seeing that it IS 4:00 in the morning,
oh the joy of having a newborn baby... and insomnia.
hopefully caedmon will sleep late in the morning... :)


Alissa said...

I need the pictures of our sweet girls!! :).

Anonymous said...

I am not going to guess because that would be totally unfair...and if I got one wrong that would be totally embarrassing!! It is very crazy that they look so much alike


Kim said...

I'm not going to guess either. I'm pretty sure I know, and if I don't, I don't want anyone to know.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I feel the same way as mom and Amy. -Mike

Christopher and Brittany said...

I am going to say 1, 7, 9 , and 10 are Caedmon.

~ Brittany

Darlene said...

well, as embarrassing as it is, here are my guesses. 1,4,5,6,8,9 are Caedmon, which means 2,3,7,10 would be Malachi. Dixi checked and I have 4 wrong. but i ain't tellin which.....

Anonymous said...

I think 1,3,4,6,7,9 are Caedmon! So, I guess 2,5,8,10 are Malachi. Wow - can't believe how much they look alike!