Sunday, July 5, 2009

Just a Swing

So here is my first and only post (I think...).  Dixi is in bed with a terrible headache and  I have been sitting here for ten minutes trying to figure out how to add a picture to a post.  I mean how was I supposed to know that the big colored icon of a picture directly above the space I am typing in that says "Add Image" when I scroll over it allows me to add an image? Anyway, you must be wondering, "Russ, why, after all this time, do you decide to post?  Don't you have more important, manly things to do like change the oil in your car or win an arm wrestling match?"  Well the answer is, yes, yes I do; but this is important.  
My wife is 33 weeks pregnant.  I will have a baby daughter in 7 or so weeks (or 10, if things go like they have been lately with all of these mothers-to-be).  I have a closet full of tiny, pink clothes.  I have been to baby showers, I have more bibs in my house than I do dollars in my checking account.  My wife looks like a normal sized person for once in her life.  All these things should of slapped me in the face by now to make me realize one very important thing: I am about to be a dad.  But to tell you the truth, they really haven't, until tonight...

      About a third of the clothes; with two baby 
      showers to go.

Now don't get me wrong, I realize that my life is about to change.  I realize that for years to come, I will never have a visitor at my house that is here to see me.  I know that I'm about to never get any sleep.  I know that I'm going to have to learn to get used to seeing some gross things.  But tonight something happened.  You see, I am somewhat of a baby myself and there is a side of me that would get me laughed at by many of my male friends if they knew what a sissy I really am.  One thing this emotional, girly side of me makes me do is go into the nursery and lay in the floor, and try to comprehend what is really about to happen in my life.  Tonight, we had a baby shower put on by the amazing people at Chick-fil-a (more on that from Dixi later I'm sure).  But as I was sitting in the nursery tonight, trying to organize all the things that were given to Caedmon today, I looked to my right and saw this...

Just a swing.  I am around lots of babies, and I see these all the time.  This one has been sitting in the nursery for several days and I have looked at it many times without a second thought. But tonight, when I looked at it, it was different.  Instead of just seeing a swing, I saw a swing that, in just a few short weeks, will be frequented by none other than my own daughter. Caedmon Clair Burnett will be laying in it (and I will surely never take my eyes off of her for fear that I put it together wrong and it breaks.)  All I could do was picture her, with one of her many adorable outfits on, looking up at me with her inevitably beautiful eyes (if she looks anything like her mom), and it will all become real.  I will not go into detail about how I reacted to this realization, but let's just say I was trying to think of excuses of what to tell Dixi just in case she happened to get out of bed and come to the nursery ("I was just thinking about how bad the Braves played today", "Just reminiscing about the good ole days", "Remembering the end of 'Marley and Me", "I just have something in my eye"...).  Thankfully she stayed asleep. 
As I regained my composure, I started to think about the fact that this isn't "going to be real", it already is real.  Inside my wife is a tiny little girl, with innumerable little functions happening in her body and Dixi's body that make me dumbfounded as to why some people try to explain it as anything except divine.  She is real.  I cannot wait to see her.  To touch her tiny hands.  To hear her cry.  To take her to her first Braves game.  So I will wait patiently (okay who I am kidding, very impatiently) for her to come into this world while my amazing friends and family continue to give and give and spoil my baby before she is even here.  Let's just hope she's not as girly as me...


dixi + russ said...

i have "something in my eye" now.
lots of little wet "somethings".
russ, i love how much you love us. you are going to be the best dad i have ever known and i can't wait to see our little girl fall in love with you.
thank you so much for everything you do for us. thank you for taking care of me, and our tiny little baby.
i am so thankful that God gave you to me. i mean, i did nothing to deserve you, but God decided to bless me anyway.
and He has now given us both something so beautiful that I can't even comprehend it sometimes. 7 weeks can't come soon enough.
"i love you.
i'm serious i really love you.
i love you more than anything in the world."

allie bartelski said...

so sweet, russ! i'm glad you got to post. you two are going to be amazing parents. i cna't believe how close it is! :)

Tripp said...

Russ I can relate to everything you said. I did the exact same thing with James' crib. I wish you guys the very best. If I could give any advice to someone who is about to experience what you are about to go through it would be to keep your eyes open and try to remember every moment because you will cherish each one. You will be amazed at the amount of love you can have for someone.

Newman said...

I have known Russ a long time. And Russ, you never cease to amaze me, whether it's with your musical ability, your incredible work ethic, or the way you love and care for your wife. And Dixi, you were an awesome boss and a great example, and because of that I know you'll be an awesome mom. You two are gonna rock at being parents!


The Jones Family said...

Russ that is so sweet! I remember Mark and I sitting in Andrew's room and trying to imagine what it would be like with him in his crib, rocking him in his chair, etc. The few weeks before Andy came we would sit in his room for hours just talking about what the future will hold! You guys will be amazing parents! The love the Lord gives us for our children is AMAZING~

Christopher and Brittany said...

Awesome dude, I don't think you are a sissy, well maybe a little, haha. You guys will make amazing parents and I look forward to meeting a new friend. Much love bro, catch you later.