Tuesday, October 6, 2009

things i love: week seven

we will have mailed out all of Caedmon's birth annoucements as of tomorrow morning!
(they are super cute! well, at least I think so...)
so if you don't get one by this weekend, i sincerely apologize, but it is only because we didn't have your mailing address! so if you'll send it to me (dixib33@gmail.com) I would love to mail you one, plus then i will have your address to send future things like christmas cards and birthday invitations!

things I love: week seven

feeling how warm you are when you are laying next to me in the bed, especially as the nights are getting cooler! we just lay close and keep each other warm!

your classic double chin and all the new fat rolls all over your body... and I know that you may not think it's cute later, but it is right now! there is one thing i don't love about this though and it is how things get stuck in those little rolls of yours... like lint & grass & dirt... gross. haha

the fact that you have completely transformed our little "family" into a real family where just last friday when russ got home from work I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and you were napping in your swing and I saw russ out of the kitchen window cutting the grass... and it just felt like I was watching a movie...

that the "littleness" (I just made that word up...) of you never wears off to strangers. they always tell me how cute and little you are, but I get to see how much you've grown in these past seven weeks so to me you seem so big!

how "normal" it is to have you with me all the time! I am so glad that I never have to leave you with someone else! your daddy is so wonderful to work so hard for us, so I don't have to leave you every day!

how you hang your left leg over the side of your bath seat like you are just lounging out... (that is if you aren't screaming your head off in the bath!)

thinking about how my diet and exercise affects you. it makes me want to drink more water, eat healthier more often than I do, or just get outside and go for a walk. I used to do these things for myself, but now I do them for you, so I can feed you better and take care of you better.

1 comment:

jenny said...

aw. i LOVE seeing a new mama transform. : ) and the whole thing about the general public loving Caedmon won't stop for a long time. in fact, i'm not sure when that stops exactly. maybe when they're talking & sassing you in public. oh well. i STILL love going in public with both girls. it's fun (i mean, mostly). in fact, an (very) older lady entertained Karis for me practically the entire walmart trip the other day! : ) look what you have to look forward to!