Wednesday, October 20, 2010

she won't be this little forever...

Right after you were born i heard it over and over from so many different people...
"she won't be this little forever, so cherish every minute of it."

And they were absolutely right. It's been 14 months and 4 days, and you aren't "little" anymore. I mean, you are still 'little', but you are so big too. All the little beginnings of "growing up" have started in your little brain and you are slowly starting to figure out life on your own.

Our time together has flown by. the fastest time has ever flown in my lifetime. even though it still ticks away one minute at a time, just like it always has.
When you grow up & have kids you will know exactly what i mean.

But no matter how fast the time feels like it is passing,
I am so glad to say that i HAVE cherished every minute.
I took the one piece of advice that so many people gave me, and i used it.

Every single day of your life has held a special place in my heart, and I am beyond grateful to your daddy for letting me stay home and experience unbelievable amounts of love that I have never experienced before. Yes, at times it feels like a lot of hard work, and sometimes I am SO happy when you finally go to sleep, so that i can rest... but even then, my HEART never rests.
It still keeps on loving you more and more.

Last night I picked you up out of your crib in the middle of the night just to hold you close. I don't know why i did it, because normally I would be furious if anyone else decided to do that, cause my baby needs her sleep. (otherwise you are cranky the next day!) But thankfully you stayed asleep.

And I am glad, cause I just needed to hold you.

So I did, just like when you were a teeny tiny baby, and you let me. I just rocked you and stared at your little eyelashes, your little belly button, touched your skin, and ran my fingers through your messy head of hair... and thanked Jesus over and over again for giving me such a wonderful gift.

Caedmon, you have taught me so many things about life. I will forever be changed all because of your little beating heart.
I don't deserve you, but God decided to bless me anyway, and i will never take that for granted. ever.

i love you as the thirsty duck loves a sudden shower.

and i always will.