Wednesday, March 18, 2009

glad we didn't get our hopes up...

So, unfortunately they did not do an ultrasound today... we will definitely have one on our next visit though, so we can start getting our hopes up now! Our next appointment is on my birthday April 15th! I couldn't have asked for a better birthday present than finally find out what we are having! They will also do the full anatomy check to make sure all the fingers and toes are there, and if not, i guess we'll have to start special ordering gloves and such...

Today our appointment was with Dr. Blake, someone who we haven't seen yet, but she was super nice, and I liked her a lot. She was super energetic and very talkative, but then on our way out, Russ noticed that she was drinking one of those Monster Energy drinks, so maybe that was why...haha. But we really did like her, she was very friendly. Our next appointment is with Dr. Pickins again, and I just like him cause he has been the person we have seen every time. So I was glad to get to see him again.

She asked us today about all the testing that they do in order to see if there are any genetic diseases or what risks i have delivering a baby with any kind of disorder, and we decided not to take the test. Basically they give you a percentage of people who MIGHT have problems or complications, and I just don't think it is worth the worry... not that I worry THAT much, but it is definitely something that I have no control over, so there is just no need in getting all worked up over it. God will give us exactly what he wants us to have, and if that means having a child with down syndrome, then we would do nothing more than welcome that baby with open arms and love for it and care for it like it was any other baby in the world.

On another note, I have so far gained 8-10 pounds. (I say 8-10 because I weighed 126 when they weighed me today, and I was 118 at my very first appt. so, I thought that equaled 8, but the doctor mentioned 10 during the appointment, so I don't know if she was just rounding up or what... or maybe I can't read the scale in front of my face in the office.) But I do feel like I have gained more than that, but I guess things just look different cause things are moving around a bit, and not necessarily because I have gained a ton of weight.

Well, that is all for now, we'll keep updating throughout this month, and hopefully I'll get to feel the baby move really soon, so that will be something exciting to post about!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you didn't get your hopes up too, but I can't wait for April 15!! And I'm so glad you liked Dr. Blake...she's great.

jenny said...

awwwww shucks. well, april 15th it is! i'm PRETTY sure it's a girl. so there, you don't need to go back. by the way, the other day when i had my laptop open & sitting on the floor in its respected corner (away from interested little fingers) i kept your blog open & we listened to your music for the longest time. neat!

EGWithers said...

i'm excited to find out what you are having!! how fun! i am glad all seems to be going well! sorry your back is hurting, i would like to say that gets better, but so far that has not been my experience. keep healthy!! can't wait to hear about what this baby is!!