Sunday, August 9, 2009

How much will Caedmon weigh?

Wow, we have had a surprising number of votes (over 40!) for how much Caedmon will weigh when she is born! Thanks so much to everyone for getting involved in the fun!
Unfortunately, since so many people have been guessing we have SEVERAL repeat guesses... and the Burnetts can only afford to pay for one winner... i mean, we do have to pay for a baby now people!!
SO, our solution to this problem is this... The first person that guessed at each weight will be the winner of the ULTIMATE designed and printed christmas card prize. What does that mean if you were the second person to guess that weight? I would simply suggest you find another weight that hasn't been guessed yet, and hope to win there! Or, you can keep the same weight if you would like and just hope to be right, but just know that if you weren't first, we won't be covering your christmas cards for free this year! (I will gladly design them for you, but sadly, I will have to charge you {well worth the investment though, in my opinion...})
So sorry that I had to make rules, cause i hate rules. But I had no idea that so many people would be guessing!! I am posting a chart of everyone that has guessed so far, if your name is second (or third) and you want to reguess, just post another comment with your new guess. There are still lots of weights that haven't been guessed!

(click on the chart to make it bigger)
chart was updated on 8/14/09 3:23 p.m.

Also, the winner will be the person with the closest guess WITHOUT going over... that is how they do it on "The Price Is Right", so it is only natural for us to do it that way here on "the burnett blog"!

Keep those guesses coming friends!!!

P.S. Pictures of a completed nursery will be coming so very soon... the chandelier is hung, but we are still waiting on the crib to get here!


Jaclyn said...

I will change my guess to 9 pounds 4 ounces.

Anonymous said...

Good gracious! You should take that as a sign of how popular your Christmas cards are, and how talented you are! I think you should start a business:)

Amy J.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I didn't realize the one I picked was already taken, please switch me to 7 lbs 12 oz. Thanks friend, we are getting excited about her!

Chris Hayes

Anonymous said...

ok, I will go for 7 lbs and 14 oz.
Amy Young

kfolds85 said...

Dixi, I am so excited for you guys! I think you are so very creative and would LOVE to have a design from you, so I'll go with 7lb 6oz. Can't wait til she's born so I can see pics!

Katie Parker Folds

Anonymous said...

8 lbs 14 oz


Anonymous said...

Hey I guess 7lbs 3 oz becasue that is the weight of my First child...Love ya, Candis

Anonymous said...

I think 8 lbs. 14 ounces :)
Alyssa Nobles