Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Roll Tide!

So, as you can probably tell, I didn't have a lot to do today except update the blog... (that means that Caedmon's room is pretty much ready, decorated, and organized!! (minus a crib and a chandelier being hung, but i hope those are coming really soon!)

I promise this is my last post for the day, but stay tuned for more tomorrow, it is definitely worth it (hint: ultrasound pictures!) But the best part about this particular post is that it is RECENT, and not something I am having to go back and catch up on, yay for me! But don't forget to read the first three posts from today before this one!

So now we get to the point of this recent post:

Last night Russ went with me to Wal-Mart to pick up an online order that I placed about a week ago, and while we were there I wanted to get some fabric for a little picture frame project I wanted to do for Caedmon's wall...
This is my final product:
(it is kinda hard to see in the picture, but looks better in real life)

BUT, the point of this story isn't about my craft project... it is about my sweet, adorable husband who apparently knows how to sew...

While in the fabric department of Wal-Mart Russ found some fabric that his daughter had to have.

So he bought a yard of this fabric, a bag of stuffing, and a spool of pink thread and stayed up REALLY late and he made her a pillow. and it is absolutely perfect. i hope she loves this pillow and the man that made it as much as i do...

And since we are already on the topic of how sweet, sentimental, and CRAFTY my husband is, I thought I would just top things off by showing you the Mother's Day card that he made me back in May. I cried for about 20 minutes after reading this... but i was very "pregnant emotional" for some reason that day...
This is the front:

And this is the inside:
(click on it to make it bigger so you can see teeny tiny Caedmon)

He is a pretty great dad already.


Anonymous said...

Of course I LOVE the pillow!

Just curious; how did you get the letters onto the fabric? I bet her nursery is precious.

Amy J.

dixi + russ said...

Amy, I just stitched the letters onto the fabric with some pink embroidery floss.
And her room IS precious, and once i have everything 100% complete (a painted crib, and a chandelier hung) I will post lots of pictures of the finished room!