Monday, September 14, 2009

things i love: week four

so, i was a little late getting things i love: week three posted,
and i thought i would be a little early posting week four, so i started to type a post a few days ago and got sidetracked, so i just saved it as a draft and never finished/published it! oops.
so again, i am a little bit late on week four, but here it is.

by the way, I can't believe that i have already made FOUR weeks worth of things that i love... that means my sweet baby girl is FOUR WEEKS OLD! I have to admit, time is weird though, it seems like just yesterday that she was born, but at the same time it feels like she has been in our home forever, getting her diaper changed, sleeping away in her bouncer, sitting with mommy at the computer, taking naps with daddy when he gets home from work... all the day to day stuff makes it just feel natural for her to be here. i like that.

anyways, here are the
things i love: week four

how cute you look when you yawn!

as russ leaves for work and he comes and stands over us while we're laying in the bed and he gives us both several kisses and tells us that he loves us like two or three times...


the way your eyes blink reeeaaallllllyy slow when you get sleepy.

the way your eyebrows furrow when you are trying to focus on really looking hard at something.

that I never get tired of looking at you.


how ridiculously soft your skin is...


you sleep so good when you ride in the car, even when I have loud music on that I sing out loud to.

all the staring contests we have! you are so good at staring contests.
seriously, you win every time.

how proud me and daddy are of the tiniest little "advances" that you make.
this week, you follow things with your eyes, and will even turn your head a little to keep following things! you are such a big girl!

i also want to send a little shout out to my big sister, Jeri!

Jeri, i am so sorry that i forgot to call you or text you on your birthday!! it was a very busy day for me, with a doctor's appointment and Young Moms started back tonight! so by the time i remembered to finally call you, i knew the kids were already in bed... so caedmon and i made you this video instead, unfortunately it has me singing instead of her, but just pretend that she is singing along! Happy Birthday, and I promise i didn't forget, just got busy!! Love you!


Jeri Maxedon said...

Thanks, girls! I love it! ;)

Anonymous said...

8 pounds 4 ounces. Oh wait, is that already over?
